Amauris Invest

Our vision

Dyrk Vieten

Founder & CEO

“We live and seek partnerships at eye level.”

Amauris Invest GmbH, based in Düsseldorf, is an investment company in the financial industry. The company, led by Dyrk Vieten, has positioned itself in the market as a strong partner for independent asset management companies and fund managers looking for an umbrella for the future to sustainably expand growth, revenues and market position and to solve the industry’s urgent challenges in the areas of digitalization, sustainability, marketing, sales, regulation and compliance. The goal is to become the preferred address in the German-speaking region for asset managers and wealth managers with an interest in selling or sharing their future. Successful entrepreneurs and well-known family offices stand behind Amauris as investors to achieve these goals together.

Amauris Invest supports independent asset management companies and fund managers by entering at shareholder level to make their own business model sustainable in an increasingly challenging market environment and to benefit from a strong network of professional services. In this way, Amauris Invest is also available in the context of corporate succession and continues entrepreneurial traditions with vision. 

The Amauris management around Dyrk Vieten focuses on a high degree of continuity in the portfolio companies and supports the respective management as a sparring partner and service provider in order to continuously develop the company. The focus is on making the business model fit for the future in a challenging market environment and on meeting regulatory and legal requirements, but without losing focus on the customer. The fund boutiques therefore focus on their core competencies, while Amauris Invest takes care of tasks in the areas of digitalization, marketing, sales, and regulatory and compliance issues.

The portfolio companies thus also form a network among themselves and can access each other’s special competencies for the benefit of customers in order to generate added value in financial portfolio management. 

Amauris Invest GmbH has already acquired Lingohr Asset Management GmbH and ficon Vermögensmanagement from Düsseldorf and further transactions are already planned. 

The management is open for inquiries and offers from the market.